Welcome to Aviation Enterprises. Established in 1997, our founding principles have always been to provide the very finest in aviation services.
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5G is a new wireless standard that is set to vastly improve connectivity between people, devices, and things. It is no wonder that rapid advances in network technology are quickly approaching and airports are increasingly challenged to keep up with strategies for the 5G world. Dallas Love Field (DAL) Director of Aviation Mark Duebner and Boingo Senior Vice President of Business Development Doug Lodder will explore how 5G technology will change the airport landscape and cover what executives need to do now to prepare for this new era in wireless.
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When evaluating and determining the overall airport performance, it is particularly crucial to have a balanced view of the passenger terminal system from the perspective of different airport stakeholders and users. Therefore, IATA and ACI have joined forces to provide an objective and unbiased analysis of the provided Level of Service (LoS) at terminal facilities. The new guidelines were published in the latest update of IATA’s Airport Development Reference Manual (ADRM). This neutral assessment determines the best possible solutions to optimise the LoS and available terminal capacity for the whole airport community.When evaluating and determining the overall airport performance, it is particularly crucial to have a balanced view of the passenger terminal system from the perspective of different airport stakeholders and users. Therefore, IATA and ACI have joined forces to provide an objective and unbiased analysis of the provided Level of Service (LoS) at terminal facilities. The new guidelines were published in the latest update of IATA’s Airport Development Reference Manual (ADRM). This neutral assessment determines the best possible solutions to optimise the LoS and available terminal capacity for the whole airport community.
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As aviation enters a post-pandemic world and begins recovery, minimising costs wherever possible will be imperative to the bounce-back of airports.
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