Breaking Good

If you Google for "aircraft cylinder break-in" you'll get about 488,000 hits. Each manufacturer (Continental & Lycoming) has a Service Bulletin about it, most PMA cylinder makers (ECi, Superior) have a procedure, and many of the custom overhaul chops (Pann Yann, Victor, RAM) have one. Some of the type clubs have one - even Shell Oil offers advice. That's a lot of reading - it's probably smarter to just read watch Mike Busch's webinar.
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Aerospace System Design with Modelon Impact

In this on-demand webinar, we present an overview and demonstration of Modelon Impact as the solution for implementing model-based design methods and digital thread – accelerating your development processes.
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Communication Breakdown During Air Travel Disruption


Travelers expect great service, despite disruption. But are airlines and service providers really talking to each other when it matters most? Hear why it makes sense for TMCs, airline service desks and corporate buyers to work together in bridging the communications gap and be the corporate traveler's hero together.
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Reinventing airport business

In this webinar organised by TAV Technologies, we discussed the airports’ priority agenda and technological strategies to increase efficiency and revenues.
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NEXTT: Industry-wide cost benefits

International Airport Review

NEXTT (New Experience Travel Technologies) reimagines on-ground and airport experiences; in particular the emerging technologies and digital transformation this involves. ACI and IATA’s jointly published NEXTT visions have attracted industry-wide agreement on the ‘what’.So, the subsequent questions become ‘why’ and ‘how’. In presenting updates on the NEXTT initiative, including the tangible benefits and what we believe it can deliver – we hope that you can help the industry answer the question of ‘when’.As part of the NEXTT initiative, a Preliminary Cost-Benefit Analysis (Preliminary CBA) was commissioned to help understand the scale, timeline and distribution of benefits and costs to the aviation industry and consumers. The stated goal of this Preliminary CBA was to provide initial quantification of the potential impact of NEXTT on future aviation infrastructure demand, and to understand the combined impact of these technologies.
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