How to Make your Flight School Feel Like a Flying Club

. This video has tips for bringing social energy to your flight school to make it feel like a flying club. Presented by Dan Dyer, owner of San Carlos Flight Center.
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Developing Automated Driving Pilots for IoT


How can the Internet of Things be used to improve drivers’ parking experience? Is it possible to make it easier to spot a free parking space in a garage? The AUTOPILOT webinar on 31 May 2018 explored these questions and many more. The second in the AUTOPILOT webinar series, it was hosted by TNO and focused on the work being done at the AUTOPILOT test site in Brainport, Eindhoven region.
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Automation and Autonomy in General Aviation: Opportunities and Challenges for Safety, Accessibility and Sustainability

Focus: How introducing more automation and/or autonomy for general aviation could increase safety, accessibility and sustainability. Reducing pilot workload Preventing loss of control in flight Lowering training requirements and proficiency training What needs to be addressed to make this happen? Discussion of current examples Challenges that prevent this from being certified and adopted
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Everything You Need To Know About the B-21 Raider


The first new U.S. stealth bomber in over 30 years is scheduled to roll-out later this year. The Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider's capabilities and features remain one of the Air Force's most closely guarded secrets. A panel of Aviation Week editors will discuss everything they've learned about this instrumental warplane from over a decade of accumulated reporting, as well as provide some key new details about what the Air Force plans to reveal to the world later this year.
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Harnessing the Power of Robotics for Social Good Regional Network of Flying Labs


Emerging Fourth Industrial Revolution technology breakthroughs in fields such as robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) have a transformative role to play in the development sector, in addition to their well-known and growing impact in manufacturing and other industries.
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