Planning for a Large Inspection

Having your aircraft down for a large inspection is an inevitable part of operating a flight department and takes planning, forethought and communication. However, by taking the proper steps you can prepare for this event in a way that reduces the impact on your aircraft availability.Learn how to maximize your downtime by including optional items and considering a records review.
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Artificial Intelligence in Aviation Maintenance Software Demo

Aircraft IT

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cognitive support will enable minimal interaction and data entry with aviation maintenance software. AI is believed to be the next big technological disruption that would impact multiple industries including Aviation. During the Webinar you will discover how systems with ‘AI support capability’ leverage historical data to offer intelligent support and suggest next steps to users, such as mechanics, engineers and storekeepers, based on the exact context of their work.
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TRB Webinar: Getting Served: Legalities and Risks of Airport Contractual Agreements


This webinar identified primary risks associated with common contracts used by airports of all sizes, including construction, concession, ground transportation, professional services, repair/maintenance, vendor/purchasing, software/IT agreements, and airline signatory agreements. The presenters discussed methods to address, shift, or allocate associated risks using contractual provisions. This webinar also provided an overview of issues related to labor-harmony or labor-peace agreements. Airports have a diverse labor force and are increasingly being asked to become involved in matters that historically were reserved for private employers to address with their own employees. These matters include setting minimum wage rates, establishing safety/training baselines, and requiring “labor-harmony” or “labor-peace” agreements at the subject airports.
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How to take your operations to new heights with BI & TARGIT

International Airport Review

If you can’t answer these questions with complete accuracy right now, at the push of a button, you don’t have business intelligence and analytics designed for airport forecasting.
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Flight Operations Software Demo and Overview

Aircraft IT

The Software demos and overviews take place regularly. You can join every session, search through the list on the right to pick and choose your Vendor session or use the calendar below to view the dates for every scheduled session. Each session takes around 1 hour and will provide you with a good overview of the software solution. You can ask questions during the session using your Questions Box or simply sit back and view and listen.
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