5G is a new wireless standard that is set to vastly improve connectivity between people, devices, and things. It is no wonder that rapid advances in network technology are quickly approaching and airports are increasingly challenged to keep up with strategies for the 5G world. Dallas Love Field (DAL) Director of Aviation Mark Duebner and Boingo Senior Vice President of Business Development Doug Lodder will explore how 5G technology will change the airport landscape and cover what executives need to do now to prepare for this new era in wireless.
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The 2023 ASCEND Call for Content is an opportunity to share your expertise and influence the 2023 program. As we continue to push the boundaries of space exploration, it's essential to have technology and infrastructure to support our goals and a thriving space economy to fuel the missions. This short webinar will provide a high-level overview of the challenges and opportunities of Space Exploration and Infrastructure, as well as expanding and evolving the space economy.
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This webinar identified primary risks associated with common contracts used by airports of all sizes, including construction, concession, ground transportation, professional services, repair/maintenance, vendor/purchasing, software/IT agreements, and airline signatory agreements. The presenters discussed methods to address, shift, or allocate associated risks using contractual provisions. This webinar also provided an overview of issues related to labor-harmony or labor-peace agreements. Airports have a diverse labor force and are increasingly being asked to become involved in matters that historically were reserved for private employers to address with their own employees. These matters include setting minimum wage rates, establishing safety/training baselines, and requiring “labor-harmony” or “labor-peace” agreements at the subject airports.
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The digital revolution is transforming every commercial market, including transportation. Leading airports are integrating audiovisual and digital technologies to elevate design, enhance operational efficiency, create new revenue sources and offer more engaging traveler experiences.
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