Aviation Technology

A Roadmap Toward a Sustainable Aviation Ecosystem

August 31, 2022

A Roadmap Toward a Sustainable Aviation Ecosystem
This report outlines a holistic view of pathways to a sustainable aviation ecosystem, focusing on low-net-carbon aircraft energy carriers (fuels), airport ecosystems (airports and bases), and developments in sustainable aircraft components (aircraft). Taking this holistic ecosystem perspective, we identify critical components that contribute to sustainable energy solutions necessary to achieve deep decarbonization of the aviation industry, as well as the integrated energy system interfaces that must be comprehensively understood, planned for, and realized. Further, we outline necessary R&D needs to achieve sustainability across the aviation ecosystem, including advancing breakthrough innovations to rapidly achieve scalable solutions, with attention to their cross-sectoral dependencies and implications.


Cargo B Airlines

Cargo B Airlines is a Belgian cargo carrier that started operations on October 14, 2007. We operate under a Belgian Aircraft Operating Certificate and have hired predominantly Belgian staff. Today we fly with two newly delivered Boeing 747-400 freighters. We operate scheduled cargo services to Africa and South America. In addition we operate full- and partcharters all over the world. Wherever and whenever we are needed.

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whitePaper | June 23, 2023

Science is the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe—unifying humanity with each discovery, expanding our knowledge and igniting our imagination. As we sail the sands of time and space, science gives context and meaning to measures great and small. Did you know there are as many stars in the universe as grains of sand on Earth? The new era of NASA Science discoveries is just beginning, and you are a part of it!

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INDONESIA’S AVIATION MARKET: Emerging stronger in a post-COVID world

whitePaper | June 9, 2022

This paper is a follow up to the recent white paper that we published in December 2021 – “Indonesia’s Aviation Market: Emerging stronger in a post-COVID world.” With travel restrictions having now eased, it is an ideal time to take a fresh look at the opportunities and challenges for the Indonesian aviation industry to transform and grow

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The Foundational Elements of the FederalAviation Administration Civil Aviation NoisePolicy

whitePaper | April 28, 2023

One of the primary environmental issues that significantly influences the capacity and flexibility of the national aviation system is aircraft1 and vehicle2 noise (collectively, “aircraft noise”). 3 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) maintains a robust program of activities related to aviation noise. The FAA’s approach is multi-pronged, including research and development, regulatory control, and public and stakeholder outreach programs relating to the public’s experience of aviation noise.4 The FAA strives to reduce noise in ways within its purview, but its ability to control the change in aircraft noise exposure is limited.

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A fresh approach to business travel

whitePaper | November 26, 2022

In our white paper we dive into: Duty of care that looks after itself Approval processes that fall into line Clear data that supports decision making Technology developed around your needs Human support that continues to be irreplaceable

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whitePaper | March 20, 2023

The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) was established by the National Science and Technology Policy, Organization, and Priorities Act of 1976 to provide the President and others within the Executive Office of the President with advice on the scientific, engineering, and technological aspects of the economy, national security, homeland security, health, foreign relations, the environment, and the technological recovery and use of resources, among other topics.

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The Race to Net-Zero: Sustainable Aviation

whitePaper | February 28, 2022

In October of 2021, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) members committed that the aviation industry would reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. With the finish line of this commitment sitting at 2050, this race to net zero is more a marathon than a sprint.

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Cargo B Airlines

Cargo B Airlines is a Belgian cargo carrier that started operations on October 14, 2007. We operate under a Belgian Aircraft Operating Certificate and have hired predominantly Belgian staff. Today we fly with two newly delivered Boeing 747-400 freighters. We operate scheduled cargo services to Africa and South America. In addition we operate full- and partcharters all over the world. Wherever and whenever we are needed.
