Bridging Legacy Fiber Channel and Modern Ethernet On-Board A Fighter Aircraft

January 9, 2019

Multi-role fighter aircraft design was originally envisioned to reduce costs through the use of a common airframe, adapted to a number of different roles. As the airframe changes roles, it’s often upgraded with the latest technology, which typically involves adding data sources to the on-board network. Two decades ago, this data was reliably transported over significant distances with Fiber Channel (FC) technology. Today, however, Internet Protocol (IP) networks are at the forefront of technical development and the use of Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) and Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) is on the rise. With millions of dollars and lots of time invested in FC-based sensors on military platforms, how can a system architect upgrade a legacy platform with modern data storage and recording while retaining the FC sensors? When a customer was faced with this challenge they contacted Curtiss-Wright because they knew we had decades of fielded experience with FC technology.



Sandbox AQ is harnessing the exponential power of AI + Quantum Technology -- AQ. The inspiration for Sandbox AQ and some of the team originated at Alphabet Inc. in 2016, becoming an independent entity in 2022. Our mission is to develop commercial products for telecom, financial services, healthcare, federal government, computer security and other computationally-intensive sectors.

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The U.S. Imperative for Mission Authorization and Supervision of Commercial Space Activities

whitePaper | December 30, 2021

American companies are developing innovative groundbreaking space activities, such as on-orbit servicing, space-based manufacturing platforms, and commercially developed space stations, some of which expect to be operational within the next two years with more following in the next decade.

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A New HP-RTM Material Technology for Aerospace Composite Parts: Will it Fly?

whitePaper | January 30, 2023

Used widely across applications within industries such as aerospace, automotive and alternative energy, carbonfiber reinforced polymer composites offer excellent mechanical properties, especially strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios. While light-weighting is a notable advantage of composite parts, the production costs have historically been higher per kilogram than components designed using metals/alloys.

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Enhancing airport resilience and runway capacity with Intelligent Approach

whitePaper | January 20, 2020

NATS, the UK’s leading air navigation services provider and Leidos, a leading technology provider, developed a ground-breaking airport solution called Intelligent Approach. With Intelligent Approach, air traffic controllers around the world have the tools to safely optimise arrival spacing in all conditions and for all runway configurations, delivering capacity, safety and resilience benefits without the need for expensive changes to ground infrastructure. As demand for air travel grows it becomes essential for airports to leverage proven innovations to drive improved capacity, to do it quickly when capacity is constrained, and safely during disruptive conditions.

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Multimodal Hydrogen Airport Hub

whitePaper | March 29, 2023

This whitepaper, “Multimodal Hydrogen Airport Hub,” is a direct output of the H2-Aero Team, kicked off at the first H2-Aero Symposium & Workshop. It was originally published in December 2022 and updated in March 2023.

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2020 global aerospace and defense industry outlook

whitePaper | May 6, 2022

After a strong year in 2018, the global aerospace and defense (A&D) industry has experienced a descent in 2019. While the defense sector has continued to soar, growth in the commercial aerospace sector has slowed.

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Power-to-Liquids Roadmap: Fuelling the Aviation Energy Transition in the United Arab Emirates

whitePaper | July 26, 2022

The United Arab Emirates is an advocate of climate action and sustainability, and we are proud to be a sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) ambassador under the Clean Skies for Tomorrow initiative. We believe that the growth and sustenance of the aviation sector are integral to the United Arab Emirates socioeconomic prosperity.

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Sandbox AQ is harnessing the exponential power of AI + Quantum Technology -- AQ. The inspiration for Sandbox AQ and some of the team originated at Alphabet Inc. in 2016, becoming an independent entity in 2022. Our mission is to develop commercial products for telecom, financial services, healthcare, federal government, computer security and other computationally-intensive sectors.
