Air Transport

The Foundational Elements of the FederalAviation Administration Civil Aviation NoisePolicy

April 28, 2023

The Foundational Elements of the FederalAviation Administration
One of the primary environmental issues that significantly influences the capacity and flexibility of the national aviation system is aircraft1 and vehicle2 noise (collectively, “aircraft noise”). 3 The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) maintains a robust program of activities related to aviation noise. The FAA’s approach is multi-pronged, including research and development, regulatory control, and public and stakeholder outreach programs relating to the public’s experience of aviation noise.4 The FAA strives to reduce noise in ways within its purview, but its ability to control the change in aircraft noise exposure is limited.


Continental Motors, Inc.

Continental Motors Inc., has been a recognized world leader in the development of aviation products for over 100 years. Our aircraft piston engine leadership stretches from the A-70 radial engine, which established a new level of smoothness and reliability, to the engines for the Voyager aircraft, which successfully circumnavigated the globe without refueling.

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whitePaper | October 15, 2022

The importance of United States space activities to the modern economy, our way of life, and our global stature cannot be understated.

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Congressional Leadership Changes and Implications for the Space Industry

whitePaper | November 30, 2022

Midterms elections have historically been a time of change and readjustment to political cycles. This election cycle could sweep in many fresh faces, with Democrats facing their highest turnover rate since 2012. While this is in line with other changes in power during a midterm election; often these happen after a shift in White House leadership.

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AiQ Consulting White Paper

whitePaper | January 26, 2023

The priority in summer 2022 was rebuilding the workforce following the pandemic but it is clear that the new priority for airports should be planning for automation to improve operational efficiency and to build resilience into their operation. In the coming years automated technology is going to be a critical factor in providing increased capacity

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whitePaper | May 20, 2022

Engine MRO service providers are faced with some unique challenges given the inherent complexity in their processes, the low margins they have to work with and a constant pressure to honor TAT commitments. With the covid pandemic hitting the world, financial pressures on airlines mounted, changing the airlines’ priorities, making them more cautious about spending — especially where MRO activities are involved. This further compounded the engine MRO service provider’s troubles.

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whitePaper | October 27, 2022

Aerospace Tech Review is the leading international publication for companies involved in the high-tech sectors of the commercial aviation, airline, defence and space industries. The magazine features the core segments that our Aerospace Tech Week events cover, including; Avionics, Connectivity, Testing, Flight Operations IT and MRO IT

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International Space Station Transition Report

whitePaper | January 21, 2022

This report responds to direction in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Transition Authorization Act of 2017 to submit to Congress a report evaluating the International Space Station as a platform for research, deep space exploration, and low-Earth orbit spaceflight in partnership with its four international space agency partners, and the commercial space sector.

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Continental Motors, Inc.

Continental Motors Inc., has been a recognized world leader in the development of aviation products for over 100 years. Our aircraft piston engine leadership stretches from the A-70 radial engine, which established a new level of smoothness and reliability, to the engines for the Voyager aircraft, which successfully circumnavigated the globe without refueling.
