International Airport Review
For some, the idea of a digital tower means recreating what you already have in a remote location, but the reality can be so much more. NATS and Searidge are working with airports to combine the latest camera and machine learning technology with airfield and ATM data to solve some universal challenges – from low visibility to stand management.
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With sustainable aviation experts in the SAF sector, the panelists will examine how to make sustainable aviation fuels more widely available to airlines and at a price that is closer to conventional jet fuels and discuss why governments are critical to that endeavor and an industry status on progress worldwide
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What part will advances in air traffic management have on the industry’s push to reduce its carbon footprint over the next decades? From optimal flight paths to reducing congestion around airports, managing the skies more efficiently could be key to sustainability. And airports themselves also have a role to play in making aviation greener. In this live panel discussion, our experts will debate what needs to be done to manage air traffic in a more environmental way.
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Session viewers will come away with insights into:
The efforts and strategies of the aviation industry to reduce its carbon footprint.
The development and use of Sustainable Aviation Fuels to date, and the onset of the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).
The outlook towards the long term goal of reducing by 50% the emissions in 2050 using 2005 as the baseline year.
Short and long-term impacts of the COVID-19 demand shock for the aviation industry.
The future for SAF and the pathways most likely to address the challenge
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